
Gynecomastia Surgery at Refine Clinic in Ludhiana

After losing immense weight with hard workouts at the gym and a strict diet I was still not satisfied with my body. Even though I had lost the extra fat on my body there were still signs of fat on my chest. The abnormally large and soft chest seemed to have made my months of hard work in vain. Before I could fall into a depressed mood my trainer informed me about the wonderful results of Gynecomastia.

What is Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia treatment is a completely cosmetic procedure. It is also called as ‘Male Breast Reduction’ and this aesthetic surgery is meant to decrease the size of abnormally large chest in men. Liposuction and removal of unwanted, additional supportive and glandular tissues from the chest region consists of the Gynecomastia surgery.
Expert cosmetic surgeons, such as those on board at Refine Clinic at Ludhiana perform excellent Gynecomastia procedure that shows successful results.

Can I undergo a Gynecomastia procedure?

Yes, if you fulfill the mainly simply criteria you can undergo cosmetic male breast reduction surgery too.
You are considered an ideal candidate for undergoing a Gynecomastia surgery if you:
• Have noticeable abnormally large breast-like formation on your chest.
• Feel hesitant and embarrassed to go topless, which inhibits you from taking part in sports, gym workouts and certain outdoor activities.
• Wish to improve your otherwise perfect and fit physique.
• Suffer from depression and anxiety due to abnormally large chest area.
• Want to restore your self-esteem and confidence socially.
Apart from these simple factors, the cosmetic surgeon at Refine Clinic at Ludhiana will also consider your age, present skin quality (elasticity levels), underlying medical conditions and medications (if any) and whether you have realistic and practical expectations with the end result, during the time of your consultation.

What are the advantages of Gynecomastia surgery?

These are the top advantages that patients have reported after successfully undergoing the Gynecomastia procedure:
• Feeling increasingly comfortable in taking off shirt in public, such as at the community pool, amusement park and at the beach.
• Feeling improved confidence, restored self-esteem and enhanced social skills.
• Enjoying excellent and permanent results.

How is Gynecomastia treatment performed?

Gynecomastia treatment is designed to restore a normal sized and shaped chest region in men. This cosmetic procedure is also aimed at improving aesthetic defects in men’s nipples and areolas too.
Gynecomastia involves aspects of liposuction combined with excision (cutting and removing) techniques. As the glandular tissue are more dense than fatty tissues, merely using liposuction is not enough, hence liposuction and excision are both required for performing a successful Gynecomastia procedure.
Your current age, weight range and skin quality determine to a large extent the amount of surgical technique required in your Gynecomastia procedure. The numbers, locations and size of incisions required for performing Gynecomastia is also decided according to the individual patient’s physical form and stage.
Although this is a fairly simple aesthetic surgery, the cosmetic surgeon will likely use a local anesthetic to numb your chest region. This prevents you from feeling any sort of discomfort while the surgery is underway.
Once the chest area is numbed successfully with anesthetics, the cosmetic surgeon will begin making tiny incisions along the marked region around your chest, including on your areola and around the nipples if necessary.
As required, the cosmetic surgeon first uses liposuction technology to remove unwanted, excess fatty tissue from your breast. Once the fatty tissue has been removed efficiently using a cannula, the surgeon will then focus their attention on the tougher glandular tissues in your chest region. This is done by using a special tiny scalpel which is used to cut and remove the targeted glandular tissues.
Once the underlying additional fatty and glandular tissues have been removed sufficiently, the surgeon will then remove the excess skin from around the incisions. Once the excess skin is removed the remaining skin is carefully draped over the reduced breast area.
This is an efficient way to get rid of the embarrassing and inconvenient abnormally large breasts that develop mainly after immense and swift weight loss in men.

Why choose Gynecomastia treatment at Refine Clinic at Ludhiana?

Refine Clinic at Ludhiana is part of the globally-popular cosmetic clinic chain. Refine Clinic is renowned all over the country as being the most advanced and incredibly efficient cosmetic clinic. Refine Clinic has some of the most talented and highly-skilled cosmetic surgeons and skin specialists working under its roof. Hundreds of men choose Refine Clinic at Ludhiana to get world-class and highly successful Gynecomastia treatment in India at the most affordable cost ever.

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