

“Fat”- These three little letters are a nightmare and when came it always accompanied by sleepless nights. At times, when we look at the mirror, we feel irritated and anxious with those extra layers of FAT deposited on different parts of the body like abdomen, flanks, thighs, and others. Even after following strict dieting and exercise for hours in the gym, we are not able to eliminate pockets of excess fat and becomes a frustrating task….

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Definition of a proper lifestyle reflects from the perfect body shape. A perfect anatomy means an awesome attitude, dashing confidence and a sound countenance that can attract anyone easily and instantly. There are some temptations which are enough to mar the beauty and shape of your body. Junk food primarily comes first in this race followed by other health issues and hereditary factors

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Are those regular exercises and sit-ups not giving you the toned tummy that you have always wished for? If you’ve got some extra pockets of flab or excess skin around your abdominal area that is not responding even to rigorous diet or exercise, then consider a “tummy tuck surgery,” which may prove to be the best way to achieve a firmer and a more youthful figure….

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“Do you know the difference between a beautiful woman and a charming one? A beauty is a woman you notice, a charmer is one who notices you.” This quote by Adlai E. Stevenson describes the life of a woman’s beauty and appearance.

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Modern women are a sign of developing nation and they believe in contributing their best to the society. Society’s perception has changed manifolds towards women’s growth. Women are also making their mark in almost every field. Be it a glamorous career or an athletic field women are giving their best in it. They are conquering all odds which are obstructing them to achieve their goals. But still, there are some women who have a low self-esteem due to their physical appearance and that thwarts them from achieving their dreams.

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The Mid Face area is an area comprising the cheek below the eyelids and the area adjacent to the nose and mouth lines. As people age and their skin loses elasticity and tone, the cheeks and eyelids are likely to sag, creating a tired look. It also leads to the creation of deep lines from the nose to the corners of the lips and hollow dark circles under the eyes. These problems can be corrected with mid-face lift surgery…

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“A smile is a happiness you’ll find right under your nose”

This famous quote by Tom Wilson throws light on the important short distance between happiness and the nose of a person.

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hair resoration


Compliments to a good hair style can really make your day. With good voluminous hair it usually becomes a habit to glance at the hair style in a mirror whether one is moving out or entering any place. This largely holds true for both men and women. So thinning of hair and receding hair line comes as a shock to those who once had dense locks.

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Scar Corrections

Our skin is a seamless organ, just like a fine piece of cloth wherein even one small tear can make a big difference in how it looks. Any burn, injury, accident or other trauma, for instance, surgery, can cause a scar. Every scar has a story to tell, especially those which take a long time to heal. Getting a scar hurts, however it becomes more painful if it’s on an exposed part of the body. Acne scars come in several shapes, sizes and even colors…..

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